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REGINALDO, Lucilene. Em torno de um registro: o livro de irmãos do Rosário das Portas do Carmo (1719-1826). In: Souza, Evergton Sales; Marques, Guida; Silva, Hugo R. (orgs.). Salvador da Bahia: retratos de uma cidade atlântica. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2016, p. 203-234.
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SLENES, Robert Wayne Andrew. Like Forest Hardwoods: Jongueiros Cumba in the Central-African Slave Quarters” e “‘I Come from Afar, I Come Digging’: Kongo and Near-Kongo Metaphors in Jongo Lyrics. In: MONTEIRO, Pedro Meira; STONE, Michael (orgs.). Cangoma Calling!: Spirits and Rhythms of Freedom in Brazilian Jongo Slavery Songs. Dartmough: University of Massachussetts, 2013, p. 49-64 e 65-76.
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LARA, Silvia Hunold. Vassouras and the Sounds of Captivity in Southeast Brazil. In: MONTEIRO, Pedro Meira; STONE, Michael (eds). Cangoma Calling. Spirits and Rhythms of Freedom in Brazilian Jongo Slavery Songs. Dartmouth, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2013, p. 25-34.
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